Since the founding of BAAN almost 35 years ago, our business has grown exponentially. Projections for the following few years suggest the expansion is set to continue. I have rarely spent time looking back at the changes we have witnessed over the years, preferring instead to look forward to at what next frontier awaits us in our work. Certainly, the changes have been significant and worthy of reflection, but the common theme is always the same.

Our goal is to be at the edge of what’s potential with technology by harnessing it and leveraging it for the benefit of our clients. There is nothing more rewarding for us than to
pioneer new development to re-define what’s potential and then bring it to the marketplace. We have a consistent track record in doing so, and at times I feel we are just beginning the journey. There have been many lessons over the years as our company has grown and matured, but the one that stands out for me is to disregard preconceived notions about what is possible and start out with a blank sheet of paper and let your imagination flourish. When reflecting upon the past, however, we see much that points to the potential transitions that await us on the road ahead.

Moving forward, our goal is simple and has not changed: Find ways we can leverage our Knowledge and services to continue to add value for our customers by assisting their operation’s management, Logistic, analytics and customer messaging. We look forward to working with our customers by listening to the challenges, understanding the needs and opportunities and responding accordingly with the very capable team we have here at BAAN. With success comes responsibility, so we take care to reinvest in protecting and developing the communities within which we operate.   

Ahmed Al Sofiani

Managing Director & CEO